Three NEW Gold Awards for Entimio at 2022 NYIOOC
Posted on May 01, 2022

We are thrilled to announce 3x New Gold Awards at the 2022 NYIOOC hosted in NY, USA!
After the 2021 success, once again, all our participating EVOOs won a Gold Award at the New York International Olive Oil Competition, one of the most prestigious olive oil competition in the world.
Our 3 x 8.5 fl oz Entimio Collection Gift-Box remains a 3x Gold-Winner gift for yourself or your friends and family!
1) Entimio Cortese - the pillar of our collection, a medium organic extra virgin olive oil, ideal for delicate fish and vegetables;
2) Entimio Distinto - a medium-robust extra virgin olive oil, now also certified organic, perfect for traditional Tuscan dishes such as tomato bread soup and vegetable soup
3) Entimio Intenso - our most robust olive oil, 4x gold award winner at the NYIOOC, now also certified organic, a greener option ideal for beans soups, aged cheese, and red meats, with our highest polyphenol count
A huge "Thank you!" goes to all our producers, which confirmed their dedication to the highest quality standard even in a difficult harvest year like 2021, when achieving high quality meant producing much less quantity.
Enjoy great EVOOs with Entimio!